Narratives: Narrative
Following a lecture with Jools we were told to look at, and analyse the narrative content of the following websites; Coca-Cola, Nike and Gorillaz.
Coca-Cola: You have to interactive as soon as the page loads as it has a language and region selection to make sure you get the correct settings as a user. Good use of intetactive menus and use of scrollbars to show Coca-Cola products.
Nike: Having to interact in the same way as the Coca-Cola site, with the language and region selection. Again a good example of interactivity, with menus and a flash interface, paving the way for many different routes through the site.
Gorillaz: Simple, yet effective layout. Like a room and you have to choose where to go in the room or to go into a different room [or page], each with different items [menus etc]. Well thought out and a good design.
All sites are constructed in Flash, and are something that I would like to aspire to, one day!
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