Narratives: Image Meaning & Composition

Object Chosen: Computer.
Location: Desk
Currently Viewing: Scrubs [what else?]
Functionality: This object has many different functions. I use it to mainly fill my entertainment needs and to communicate with friends and family via the internet. Also it plays all sorts of different media, which is nice.
Aesthetic Beauty: There isn't much 'beauty' in this object, really [unless you class the fact its all black and silver]. Well, in saying that its beauty is one of the reasons I purchased it in the first place. I liked the fact it was sleek and stylish and that everything was one of two colours.
Communication: Well, where do I start, there's a hell of a lot of [capable] communication within this machine. Basically I use it to talk with friends and family back home or at university via IM and email. Its amazing that yet they're are so far away but seem like they're sat next to you.
Entertainment Value: Again, where do I start, there's endless amounts of entertainment that it has to offer. I listen to all of my music on here and constantly use it to watch episodes of Scrubs and Family Guy, and ocasionally I do some work on it too :]
I'm hoping I've fulfilled the criteria for this piece of work. I chose my PC as the object because it means something to me, and has a lot of things contained within it that I'm interested in.
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