Ben's Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

SPP1: Fast Exercise 002

So, after a lot of rushing around we finally finished and performed our piece on famous MI5 figure Stella Rimington. In my opinion, it was rushed but went well, with only a few hiccups, even if Jools said it was one of the best he'd seen, I think differently on this subject.

We even got a nice third year student filming us for her project so I'll post up the video when I receive the final copy for everyones viewing pleasure.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Great Debate...

...well in my eyes, that is PC vs. Mac!

Recently I've been looking at Mac's, mainly because there shiny, when I came across Apple's newest advertising campaign starring Peep Show's Mitchell & Webb. Now, I dislike Peep Show but these videos are rather addictive!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

SPP1: Fast Exercise 001

This been our second meeting with Dominic Shaw I was unsure as to what to expect as I didn't like his first task much!

We were again divided into groups and were given a name, our groups been Stella Rimington. "Who's Stella Rimington?" we asked, but with no usefull answer, only that she has some connection to Nottingham and that we have to find as much about her as possible and produce a site specific installation about her in two weeks! TWO WEEKS!?!? Oh, and to make a profit...

Been a site specific performance we had to find out about her relationship with Nottingham, we found that she atteneded Nottinghams High School for Girls, which was just up the road from Waverley so we popped along to ask them a few questions regarding a possible performance, they agreed, thankfully and said we could use their school hall!!

All we had to do now was create the presentation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Identites: Client Identity Package 002

So after thinking about my next project I've decided to choose Trent Media...

I made this decision as I thought I could be quite creative with my outcome. I aim to create a Flash based website as the main part of the project aswell badges and a desktop icon to go along side it.

Now, down to the designs...