Ben's Blog

Friday, December 15, 2006

Pinhole Camera Workshop

After learning about Pinhole Camera's through childs tv programme SMart, I found this series of workshops to be rather appealing. To be able to create an image with a beer can [or in some cases a wheelie bin] and a bit of paper is amazing. After getting the camera set up with the photographic paper I set about choosing an area around me to shoot. Baring in mind I was currently situated within the Waverley building this provided some nice angles.

Photo 001 | Photo 002 | Photo 003

I particulary enjoyed Photo 002 as if gives the building a ghostly feel and the angle in which I shot from was a really good choice. The problem with the above photos is that the 'safe' light used in the darkroom wasn't safe enough and caused the images to become slightly exposed before developing. Unfortunately the images I took on the second didnt come out very well, according to other students there was a problem with the chemicals used. I did however create one image that I was rather happy with. I put another pin hole in the bottom of the can and use this one instead. I placed the can on the grass looking towards the building and the type of shot produced was amazing. Although I didnt manage to get much of the building in. More photos soon. I might also take some over christmas.


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