SPP1: Interactive Narrative 003
So, after a lot of thinking and piecing together I finally completed my piece for the Interactive Narrative part of the SPP module.
We were given a brief to produce an Interactive Narrative of our favourite place in Nottingham, seen as I hadn't been in Nottingham for long I had to think of things a little closer to 'home'. I ended up choosing the room in which I currently had been calling home since October. I wanted to create something that not only was my favourite place in Nottingham, but has my favourite things aswell [pictures of friends etc]. After taking some initial photographs I realised that this idea wouldn't work due to the image size and the amount of cropping that had to be done, I then came up with the idea to create a 'story' in which the user could choose the list of events, with various consequences. I had seen previous students' work and liked the style of how they built their narrative.
For my chosen idea I decided to think of the concept and go out and take as many photos as possible, so that I could create many story lines if, for some reason, one failed or I missed out some images. I took various photographs of the subject in the story in different locations, doing different things. I took more then one photo of each scene so I had a selection to choose from.
I only encountered minor problems when piecing everything together and forgetting what order the pictures went in and getting image names and their designated links mixed up, which was slightly confusing. I also used the same picture twice, which made it even more so confusing when it came to putting it together.
I think my story worked well, although it was very simple, it was my first time using Javascipt and Dreamweaver. If I was to do something like this again in the future Id like to create something with more options and a longer story or possibly something more like my initial idea which didn't work.
My project can be found here
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